What is Tinnitus?

Hearing loss and Tinnitus go hand in hand and we are all open to experiencing it at some point in our lives.

Here are some of the categories that you can fall into:


Stress is one of the most common factors. If you have a stressful job or hectic lifestyle, blood pressure tends to rise and this leads to Hypertension, which is one of the biggest causes of Tinnitus


Too much caffeine can lead to high blood pressure.  Try switching to decaff as it will make a huge difference to your Tinnitus

Loud Noise

If you have spent time in construction, you will know why wearing noise protection is so important. The high levels of prolonged noise can damage the hair cells in the inner ears.  This then results in interruption in the electrical signals sent from the ear to the brain. This interruption then ends up as Tinnitus


Menieres Disease is a treatable genetic condition although it is not fully curable. Where there is a family history of the condition, Tinnitus development is a risk. 


Cerumen also know as earwax, in some instances can accumulate and cause a blockage.  A blockage can affect your hearing, eardrum  and also create a pressure change. 


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