look after your ears in winter

5 tips to look after your ears in winter

Winter can be a tough season on our ears, with cold temperatures, wind, and dry air all taking their toll.

With the recent cold snap here in Northern Ireland, we thought it would be fitting to give you five tips to help you look after your ears during the winter months.

Keep your ears warm

Cold temperatures can cause the blood vessels in your ears to constrict, which can lead to pain and discomfort. To keep your ears warm, try wearing a hat or earmuffs when you’re outside, or invest in a pair of ear warmers that slip over your ears.

Protect your ears from the wind

Wind is more perilous than you think. It can dry out the skin in your ears and make them more susceptible to infections. It’s also what causes “surfers ear”, which is where the small bones calcify due to the constant water immersion and then the sudden freeze-drying of the wind. To protect your ears from the wind, try wearing a scarf or a hood that covers your ears.

Moisturize your ears

This one’s more for the skin around your ears rather than what’s going on inside. In the winter, the air tends to have a lot less moisture, which can cause the skin in your ears to become dry and itchy. To moisturize your ears, try using a non-irritating moisturizer or a few drops of baby oil to keep the skin in your ears hydrated.

Avoid cotton buds

It’s not the first time we’ve mentioned this, and it won’t be the last! While it may be tempting to clean your ears with cotton swabs, this can actually push wax further into your ear canal, making it harder to remove. If you need to clean your ears, use a damp cloth or a syringe filled with warm water instead.

Stay healthy

Ok, it’s easier said than done, but cold and flu season is in full swing during the winter, and infections can easily spread through the air. On top of that, we’re still fighting off Covid!

To keep your ears healthy, make sure to wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your ears, and avoid close contact with people who are sick. Common sense really.


Winter is the worst season for your ears. From the freezing cold, the biting wind and general illnesses going around, it’s important to look after your ears. Keep them warm, try not to go out with out hat/scarf/ear protection, and if you do feel any kind of pain or discomfort, always seek professional advice.

Contact us today if you would like to know more about ear health and how we can help.