Caring for your ears over summer


During the summer we may spend more time taking part in more water sports, going on vacation traveling on planes, and music festivals.


Immersion in water

As we spent more time in the pool and sea during the summer,  The temperature gets hot, the wax in your ears softens. The pool water cools down the wax in the ears and becomes solid  and forms a seal and water gets trapped, causing an ideal ground for bacterial growth and can lead to infection (Otitis externa) swimmers ear.  Earplugs or swimming cap can prevent water in the canal and drying ears thoroughly after the water will help prevent infection


Pressure changes

Traveling on planes can cause discomfort due to the sudden pressure change from the middle and outer ear and cause a blocked feeling in the ear.   The altitude change when taking off and landing affects the pressure in the air.  The Eustachian tubes may not be able to react quick enough to regulate the pressure.  Air inside the middle ear is compressed and creates a vacuum that reacts the eardrum causing intense pressure and discomfort.  This is also know a barotrauma.  Sports such as scuba diving has the same effect.

Over exposure to loud noise

loud noise exposure, typical to nightclubs and concerts can damage the sensitive structures in the inner ears causing noise induced hearing loss and tinnitus.  Try to avoid noises that are too loud, too close or last too long and protect the ears of children who are too young to protect their own.





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